Toward conflict resolution. A case study in Kpome, Benin
This case study analysis examines the value of theories and practical strategies of conflict resolution in a context other than that of their origin. The main objectives of the paper are: to help those participating in this research project to deal with conflicts in a productive and positive manner; to further the development of applied conflict resolution strategies; to encourage work whose focus and direction is consistent with the ideals of conflict resolution, not just the study of conflict. Participatory Action Research is the primary methodology. Certain elements of conflict and resolution are common regardless of context. These elements describe a system of behavior, and highlight themes that prevent well-resolved conflicts. Sustainable resolution requires the development of new space, a new understanding of conflict, a new understanding of resolution and empowering oneself. Research and practical efforts can address these themes to affect behavior and facilitate positive outcomes, without compromising context-specific values and needs.