The Place of the Motor Truck in the Modern Distribution System
The general subject of the Automobile, especially as confined to that very important type thereof known as the automobile truck, or colloquially, as the "motor truck", is so broad and comprehensive that it does not yield itself readily to treatment in a single publication. Within the past three decades the use of self-propelled vehicles has increased to an extent which if it would have been predicted at the beginning of that period would have been considered beyond the wildest imagination of a Baron Munchausen.This growth in the use of this essential factor of modern industrial and social life has brought in its train many complicated problems giving rise in their turn to an elaborate system of studies, investigations and experiments. A plethora of laws and legal decisions and a mass of regulations have been promulgated defining the rights of self-propelled vehicles on the public highways. Associations of manufacturers, of dealers, and of users have multiplied throughout the recent years.