The Automobile Industry, 1900-1910
This thesis is not intended to be an all-exhaustive historical narrative of the youth of America' s industrial giants, but is intended to be only a brief resume of the automobile industry from 1900 to 1910, inclusive.If it was considered that the automobile industry was but weakly founded at the beginning of the twentieth century, this founding was really the first virile roots of what has since become a gigantic plant. If the tentacles at first seemed puny, sickly and incapable of ever becoming healthy, they have since proven they possessed a virility not before or since equaled in our industrial history. Whether this virility was attributable to the inherent qualities of the industry or to the social era just coming in at the beginning of the twentieth century may be a topic fruitful of sparkling academic discussion, However, the fact remains that while the industry's arrival was not preceded by a silver clarioned trumpeteer announcing it to an unsuspecting world, the industry came, prospered and conquered.