Some effects of farm electrification on the farm labor force
This study will investigate some of the effects of the electrification of farms on the farm labor force. Consideration will be given to the labor requirements of agriculture and to some of the physical conditions under which labor is employed on farms. Emphasis will be given to labor used in farm (production) activities. However, labor employed in household operations cannot be ignored since the farm as a home and the farm as a production unit are so closely interwoven. This dual function of the farm will be high-lighted in the discussion. A further purpose is to appraise the possibilities of effecting additional economics in farm production through the use of electricity and electrical equipment. Only the immediate future will be considered in this appraisal. No attempt will be made to speculate on the development and adoption of new uses for electricity even though it is recognized that much research in this field is being carried on and that some new devices hold considerable promise.