Relativistic ionization with intense linearly polarized light
The Strong Field Approximation (SFA) method is used to derive relativistic ionization rate expressions for ground state hydrogen-like atoms in the presence of an intense electromagnetic field. The emitted particle, which is initially bound to a hydrogen nucleus, is either an electron described by the Dirac equation, with spin effects fully included, or a spinless "electron" described by the Klein-Gordon equation. The derivations and subsequent calculations for both particles are made assuming a linearly polarized electromagnetic field which is monochromatic and which exhibits neither diffraction nor temporal dependence. From each of the relativistic ionization rate expressions, the corresponding expression in the nonrelativistic limit is derived. The resultant expressions are found to be equivalent to those derived using the SFA with the nonrelativistic formalism. This comparison provides the first check of the validity for the core results of this dissertation. Intensity-dependent ionization rates are then calculated for two ultraviolet frequencies using a numerical implementation of the derived expressions. Calculations of ionization rates and related phenomena demonstrate that there are negligible differences between relativistic and nonrelativistic predictions for low intensities. In addition, the differences in behavior between linearly and circularly polarized ionizing fields and between particles with and without spin are explored. The spin comparisons provide additional confidence in the derivations by showing negligible differences between ionization rates for Dirac and Klein-Gordon particles in strong linearly-polarized fields. Also of interest are the differential transition rates which exhibit dynamic profiles as the intensity is increased. This behavior is interpreted as an indication of more atomic influence for linearly polarized electromagnetic (em) fields than for circularly polarized em fields.