Quasielastic electron-deuteron scattering at 180 degrees at large momentum transfers
Measurements of cross sections for 180$\sp\circ$ electron scattering from deuterium from near breakup threshold to beyond the quasielastic peak are reported for incident energies of 0.843, 1.020, 1.189 and 1.281 GeV. The data were obtained with the Nuclear Physics Injector beam at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center using a large acceptance 180$\sp\circ$ spectrometer system in End Station A. The experimental technique and the method of analysis are described in detail. The cross sections are in reasonable agreement with calculations based on the impulse approximation that include final-state interactions and meson-exchange currents, given the large uncertainties in the models near the breakup region. The nuclear scaling function $F$($y$) derived from the data is generally in agreement with that obtained from forward angle data at the same $Q\sp2$. Values of $G\sbsp{M}{n}$ determined from the data near the top of the quasielastic peak are consistent with the dipole law and in good agreement with results from previous experiments. The structure function $W\sb1$ was found to exhibit Bjorken scaling near the threshold breakup region. Previous data on the $W\sb1$ structure function were used to extract the ratio $R$ of longitudinal to transverse cross sections. The ratio is in agreement with the theoretical calculations.