Love and Hunger
The following is a collection of short stories and essays. Through various experimental forms I have sought to investigate the complex nature of desire and how the primitive driving forces of love and hunger are often indistinguishable. The characters in my stories and essays are constantly searching for and seeking some connection to the world that is greater than their own individual experience and relationship to the world around them. The persistent, almost primordial search for a safe haven, a home and an unequivocal love functions on two levels. The first is as a riveting exploration of Latin American Jewish identity and the search for a homeland after the diaspora. The second is as a universal desire for a return to innocence. Each story, told in either 1st or 2nd person from various female protagonists, provides a different perspective on the process of healing from the actual and metaphorical wounds of our past, and the transcendent possibility that love in the largest and smallest sense of the word can and will shape who we turn out to be.Advisers: Kyle Dargan; Jeffrey Middents.