Learning Music Collaboratively
Collaboration is essential in ensemble music rehearsal, but it is unclear whether initial collaborative learning is efficient. In non-musical domains, the effect of collaboration has been mixed, showing sometimes a benefit (Hinsz, 1990) and sometimes an inhibitory effect (Tindale & Sheffey, 2002) in individual learning. In the musical domain, only observational studies exist (Ginsborg & King, 2012), showing collaborative rehearsals to be efficient. In this study, the effects of collaboration on individual learning are examined experimentally in the musical domain with vocalists. During the Solo sessions, participants studied short pieces either with or without accompaniment (Aided or Independent). During the Group sessions, three participants studied short pieces collaboratively. All participants were tested following study by performing the learned pieces. Results indicate that although Solo sessions benefited from accompaniment, collaboration, or Group study, had a detrimental effect on learning, both in terms of Memory as well as actual performance. These findings are discussed within the framework of the collaboration studies in non-musical domains, and suggest that, in practical applications, initial individual learning would provide a more efficient ensemble rehearsal.