Justice for all: A call to reopen the gates of ijtihad
This thesis examines the need to revisit ijtihad (critical and interpretive reading of Islamic law and religious texts) in order to effectively deal with contemporary dilemmas and challenges to globalization. Contemporarily, Muslim majority countries are facing conflict, ethical dilemmas towards war, peace and conflict resolution as well as pluralism within political, social and economic participation. In order to successfully quell opposition to the idea of Islam being incompatible with modernity, the use of ijtihad is imperative. Through the utilization of ijtihad, democratic principles, human rights, justice and pluralism already inherent within the religion may prevail, establishing conditions for positive peace. The positive ethical implications of this paradigmatic shift towards the reuse of ijtihad are outstanding compared to the continued clamp on ijtihad and perpetuation of the status quo. This thesis argues the contemporary relevance, and indeed sincere need for the gates of ijtihad to reopen.