In the year 2009, a group of thieves takes on a job for the Zuckerman Corporation: go into Albany, which has been contaminated by a spill of the Zuckerman-produced chemical PDX, to the Zuckerman facility there, and erase the computer files outlining the production of PDX before they are taken by terrorists or another company. PDX is lethal for five to seven days, then decays, causing only insanity. When the thieves arrive in Albany, they must face the insane survivors of the spill. They discover that the computer files have already been erased, and in the basement, they find Chris Heisenberg, an ex-employee of Zuckerman's on whom the company experimented. During their attempt to recover--with Chris's help--the stolen files, the thieves are contaminated with PDX and go insane. As they struggle to finish their job, Zuckerman plans to withhold their payment and send them to an asylum.