How to build better music programs: A qualitative analysis comparing the female experience in music and athletics
This study used qualitative research to examine how the female musical experience compares with the female sporting experience in order to identify the central components in each that influence the motivation behind females' decisions to continue or discontinue participating in sports and music as they enter college and the professional world. Through in-depth interviews, four main themes were found that represent the central components of the female musical and sporting experiences: enjoyment, self-enhancement, life skills development, and relationships. Time proved to be the primary factor that guided females to continue with sports and/or music in college and post-collegiate graduation. Enjoyment, friendships, and identity/pride were the three components that had the greatest motivational effect on the females' participation. Since the athletic experience produced a more positive response in achieving these components, it is valuable for music advocates, educators, and administrators to examine how these components can be better enhanced in their music programs to create greater interest from females for extended music participation.