Enduring achievement: Authenticating success beyond adequate yearly progress
Sustaining learning through school is crucial for urban students suffering from unequal educational outcomes. Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink (2006) write that sustained learning extends beyond regurgitation on standardized tests and involves learner engagement for deeper concept meaning. This study used the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO), a taxonomy developed by John Biggs and Kevin Collis which characterizes five (5) levels of learning depth, to determine the internalization of word attack and mathematics computational skills for a group of third, fourth and fifth grade students. Twenty-two students and six teachers participated in the study. Results showed the students had very low internalization of word attack and moderate internalization of calculation skills. The deepest internalization was found in fifth grade calculation. Teachers responded that SOLO gives an accurate reflection of student learning and is helpful in developing instruction to deepen understanding.