An analysis of the differences in specific scholastic abilities of George Washington High School freshmen
The purpose of this study was as follows: (1) to select the upper and lower quarters of students on the basis of the Total scores made on the School and College Ability Test (SCAT) by freshman students at George Washington High School in Alexandria, Virginia; (2) to determine the amount of variation on individual profiles composed of scores made on the Sequential Tests of Educational Progress (STEP) in the areas of mathematics, science, social studies, reading, listening, and writing; (3) to compare the upper and lower quarters of students on the basis of individual variations; (4) to find which of the six abilities measured by the STEP tests occurred most often at the extremes of the individual profiles; and (5) to find the correlation of the Verbal and Quantitative SCAT scores with an independent measure of ability (Kuhlmann-Anderson I.Q. test).