Advantages and disadvantages of consolidating the fire departments in Montgomery County, Maryland
The population of Montgomery County has been increasing at a tremendous rate and it is anticipated that the growth will continue. The increased demand for services is a major problem facing many local governments. The increasing cost of these services requires that a constant reappraisal be made to insure that the most efficient and economical system of fire protection is available to the community. It is equally important that the fire service be organized in a manner that will permit effective expansion to meet the needs of a growing community. Many citizens express concern that the fire service, as presently organized, is not capable of meeting current needs and is not economical in its operation. They suggest that more governmental control is required. This concern is supported by some authorities who feel that in urban areas it is not a matter of choice whether the government will assume the responsibility of fire protection. In this study an attempt has been made to determine the possibility of increasing the level of service while still maintaining economy and to reduce the cost of fire insurance by increasing governmental control over the several individual fire departments.