A study of the relation of soil profile, structure, texture and chemical composition to productivity
The following discussion will be divided into four principal parts: First, Method of Study, under which is described the method pursued in this study; secondly, Soil Types and Methods of Management, under which heading are described the soil types and farms selected in the survey, tie methods of soil management or farm practices, and type productivity in terms of average acre yields for all the farms on each type, for the five year period, 1917 to 1921, inclusive; thirdly, Study of Type Productivity, under which caption are discussed the climatic conditions under which agriculture is pursued in the different parts of the territory surveyed, variations in farm practices, factors determining soil productivity, textural vs. serial characteristics in relation to soil productivity and land valuation in relation to soil types; and fourthly, Soil Types in Relation to Permanent Productivity - a discussion of the cropping history of some of the soil types from early settlement to the present time, and a reflection regarding permanent fertility.