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A comparison of knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding alcohol use among female college students in Catholic single sex and coeducational settings

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posted on 2023-08-04, 14:49 authored by Karen Jacquelyn Smith

The purpose of this study was to determine what relationship exists between the type of institution (coed or women's college) a sample of undergraduate women attended and their knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding alcohol, as assessed by the Alcohol Knowledge and Use Inventory (AKUI). The three research hypotheses were: (1) there is no significant difference in the knowledge based on the type of institution, (2) there is a significant difference in attitude, (3) there is a significant difference in behavior. Full-time undergraduate women from five Catholic colleges and universities in urban environments participated in this study. A total of 109 responses provided data used to test these hypotheses. The knowledge score was not significantly different. Students in general know a reasonable amount about the effects of alcohol regardless of where they go to college. There was a significant relationship between the type of institution and attitudes regarding alcohol. Women's college students exhibit more conservative and responsible attitudes toward drinking and experience less negative consequences as a result of drinking than coed college women. Although generally responsible, 28.6% of the women's college students reported driving after drinking and 20.5% engaged in unplanned sex after drinking compared to 21.7% and 26.7% of the coed college women. A significant relationship was found between the type of institution and alcohol related behaviors. Coed college women drank more and more often than women at women's colleges. There were no significant differences between the groups regarding whether a woman drinks or not, at what age she started drinking and where she chooses to drink. The choice of beverage was significantly different with 63.8% of coed college women preferring beer and 51.5% of women college students preferring mixed drinks and straight shots. Alcohol awareness and educational programming seem to have the same impact regardless of where a woman attends college. This knowledge base, however, does not have the same influence on the student's attitudes and behaviors. The study findings showed a more conservative approach to alcohol among women college students and less drinking, less often and with fewer negative consequences than their coed college counterparts.







Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 56-12, Section: A, page: 4665.; Advisors: Charles Tesconi.; Ph.D. American University 1995.; English


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