American University

Efficiency for preforming molecules from mixtures of light Fermi and heavy Bose atoms in optical lattices : The strong-coupling-expansion method

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posted on 2023-08-05, 08:14 authored by J.K. Freericks, Anzi Hu, M.M. Maśka, Carl J. Williams

We discuss the application of a strong-coupling expansion (perturbation theory in the hopping) for studying light-Fermi–heavy-Bose (like 40K-87Rb) mixtures in optical lattices. We use the strong-coupling method to evaluate the efficiency for preforming molecules, the entropy per particle, and the thermal fluctuations. We show that within the strong interaction regime (and at high temperature), the strong-coupling expansion is an economical way to study this problem. In some cases, it remains valid even down to low temperatures. Because the computational effort is minimal, the strong-coupling approach allows us to work with much larger system sizes, where boundary effects can be eliminated, which is particularly important at higher temperatures. Since the strong-coupling approach is so efficient and accurate, it allows one to rapidly scan through parameter space in order to optimize the preforming of molecules on a lattice (by choosing the lattice depth and interspecies attraction). Based on the strong-coupling calculations, we test the thermometry scheme based on the fluctuation-dissipation theorem and find the scheme gives accurate temperature estimation even at very low temperature. We believe this approach and the calculation results will be useful in the design of the next generation of experiments and will hopefully lead to the ability to form dipolar matter in the quantum degenerate regime.



Joint Quantum Institute; University of Maryland; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Georgetown University; Institute of Physics, University of Silesia


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