A Start to a Supranational Court: France v. High Authority
Completed as an Independent Research Course (JLC-490), this is the product of a semester's research. This paper discusses the formation of supranational institutions in Europe following the Second World War, focusing on the establishment of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (“OEEC”), the Council of Europe, and the European Coal and Steel Community (“ECSC”). The paper examines the development of the concept of supranationalism and how it led to the creation of the ECSC, which was considered a supranational institution due to the broad reach of its decision-making organs. The paper also discusses the evolution of the European Union and how it has developed into a strong integration of political powers. The paper examines the role of the European Court of Justice and the creation of a "Community Legal Order." Overall, the paper provides insight into the complex history of European integration and the development of supranational institutions.